How data can shape the future health
The ‘Data for Health’ symposium attracted a large audience: over 450 people from medicine, academia, industry and politics came together to celebrate the successes of PHRT and SPHN
Personalized Health and Related Technologies (PHRT) is a strategic focus area of the ETH Domain which encompasses six Swiss institutions: ETHZ, EPFL, PSI, Empa, Eawag and WSL. The main goal of PHRT is to drive the ongoing life science revolution that will ultimately transform medicine as it is today into ‘individualized medicine’. In essence, a person’s unique biological makeup will guide decisions on how to maintain and restore health. Thanks to its community of researchers and associated hospitals, PHRT is pushing the frontiers of knowledge on the mechanisms of diseases and opening the door to new treatments and technologies improving health and disease treatments.
The ‘Data for Health’ symposium attracted a large audience: over 450 people from medicine, academia, industry and politics came together to celebrate the successes of PHRT and SPHN
New publication in Nature Medicine by Berend Snijder on the success of one of our funded projects. We are delighted to have been able to make our contribution.
The ETH/PHRT-funded clinical study “RAPID 01”, which includes patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) who relapsed or are refractory to the initial standard of care therapy, is moving into the