SPHN and PHRT support 4 “National Data Streams” – PHRT


SPHN and PHRT support 4 “National Data Streams”

In 2021, the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) and the Personalized Health and Related Technologies (PHRT) initiative from the ETH Domain jointly launched the call for “National Data Streams” (NDS). After a two-step evaluation procedure, 4 NDS projects have been selected for funding in the fields of infectious diseases in intensive care medicine, oncology, pediatrics, and health services research. Each NDS project comprises a Switzerland-wide multidisciplinary consortium that invests in the development of a sustainable data infrastructure for high-end data-driven and personalized health research.

In 2021, SPHN and PHRT jointly launched the call for “National Data Streams” (NDS). After a two-step evaluation procedure, 4 NDS projects have been selected for funding. They are situated in the fields of infectious diseases in intensive care medicine, oncology, pediatrics, and health services research. Each of them comprises a Switzerland-wide multidisciplinary consortium that invests in the development of a sustainable data infrastructure for high-end data-driven and personalized health research.

NDS will constitute central pillars of the SPHN health data ecosystem and the PHRT research platforms. In the long term, they shall serve as models and crystallization points for future research programs and clinical applications of personalized health. NDS include clinical, analytical (such as multi-omics) and other data that will be enriched and made available to the research community. In addition, all NDS include patient and public involvement (PPI) in their projects.

The following 4 NDS projects will start in summer 2022:

  • Personalized, data-driven prediction and assessment of infection-related outcomes in Swiss ICUs (IICU) (Prof. Dr. Adrian Egli (USB) & Prof. Dr. Karsten Borgwardt (ETHZ))
  • Swiss Personalized Oncology National Data Stream (SPO-NDS) (Prof. Dr. Olivier Michielin (CHUV) & Prof. Dr. Bernd Bodenmiller (ETHZ))
  • Pediatric personalized research network Switzerland (SwissPedHealth) – a Joint Pediatric National Data Stream (Prof. Dr. Luregn Schlapbach (University Children’s Hospital Zurich) & Prof. Dr. Julia Vogt (ETHZ))
  • LUCID, Low Value of Care in Hospitalized Patients, a National Data Stream on Quality of Care in Swiss university hospitals (Dr. Marie Méan (CHUV) & Dr. Guillaume Obozinski (EPFL)).


Each NDS project will receive up to CHF 5 million and have a runtime of 3 years. SPHN funding requires matching funds from the participating institutions.

ETH Zurich
Picture of Lukas Blumer
Lukas Blumer

Communications Specialist