Nexus event: Personalized Health Technologies 2024 – PHRT


Nexus event: Personalized Health Technologies 2024

During the past few days the event «Personalized Health Technologies 2024” hosted by Nexus for which PHRT was the main sponsor took place. The event was held in the ETH main building in Zurich and attracted a large number of participants.

It was a compilation of highly interesting presentations on the topic of ‘Personalized Medicine and Personalized Health’ from international institutions, among those also the ETH Zurich, PSI, EPF Lausanne, hospitals and other renowned institutions. All of them offered an exciting insight into research and technology development being conducted in the field of precision medicine and the extent to which the results have already found their way into the clinic.

PHRT-sponsored projects were also part of the following presentations:

  • Prof Dr Roger Schibli with his talk on ‘Translational Theranostics for Cancer Patients Enabled by PHRT’Read more about it here.
  • Prof Dr Andrew de Mello mentioned his project ‘Deep Learning of Cell Morphology-Based Diagnosis of Sézary Syndrome’. Read more about it here.
  • Dr. Lars Gerchow described his project ‘DUal Positron Lifetime Emission Tomography (DUPLET)’. Read more about it here.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Nexus for the excellent organization of this inspiring event.

Picture of Marina Pierer
Marina Pierer

Communications Specialist