Category: Project
CLARINET ArtifiCial-inteLligence Assisted X-rAy DaRk-field RadIography for Detection of InducEd Lung InfecTions and Disease Follow-up
Spatial and Functional Analysis of the Tumor Microenvironment in Hepato-cellular Carcinoma for Stratification and Personalized Therapy
Automated Classification of Cervical Cytology (Pap smear) Images to Detect Precancer and Cancer Using Self-superv1sed Learning: A Novel Method for Cervical Cancer Screening in Low-income Settings
Platform for Metabolomics and Lipidomics
Health 2030 Genome Center – Clinical Genomic Analysis Center (CGAC) of the PHRT Swiss Multi-Omics Center
Platform for Proteomics
METATRACER: A toolbox for clinical 13C metabolic flux analysis and proof of concept in leukemia
Optoacoustic-guided Focused Ultrasound (OAg-FUS) for Neurosurgery
Next Generation Multi-Modal Analysis of Tumoral Heterogeneity in Peripheral Blood
Transcription-Factor Activity Profiling for the Enhancement of Personalised Treatments for Acute Myeloid Leukaemia