The PHRT Office is responsible for the day-to-day management of the organization. It is directed and supported by the Steering Committee and the Executive Committee.
The PHRT Office is hosted by the ETH Zurich. It supports the EC and is in charge of the administrative and daily operation of the SFA such as set-ups of reviews, preparation of meetings, budgeting, controlling and reporting.
The Strategic Committee is the highest governing body and is responsible for the overall strategy. It includes representatives from the institutions in the program: Empa, EPFL, ETHZ, PSI.
Vice President Research ETH Zurich (chair)
Vice President for Academic Affairs, EPF Lausanne
Director, Empa
Director, Paul Scherrer Institut
The Executive Committee (EC) is responsible for the strategic and operational decisions within the SFA PHRT. The members of the Executive Committee represent the involved institutions of the ETH Domain. The executive director of the SFA Swiss Data Science Center is a full member of the EC to ensure close collaboration. In addition, one of the members is also on an SPHN committee to guarantee the sharing of information and knowledge transfer.
ETH Zurich (chair)
ETH Zurich
ETH Zurich
ETH Zurich
EPF Lausanne
EPF Lausanne
EPF Lausanne and ETH Zurich (SDSC)
Paul Scherrer Institut
Paul Scherrer Institut