PHRT Edu Retreat 2024 – PHRT


PHRT Edu Retreat 2024

On June 25-26, 2024, PHRT organized an Education Retreat for the PhDs and postdocs working on PHRT projects with the goal of supporting scientific exchanges and strengthening the ties within the PHRT community. The event took place over two days at PSI in Villigen AG, with a dinner and an overnight stay in Baden.

The PHRT Team welcomed the 13 participating PhDs and postdocs and the speakers at PSI. The event started after lunch on June 25 with an introduction speech by Prof. Dr. Bernd Wollscheid (PHRT Chairman Executive Committee) with three highly inspirational talks about their work from Prof. Dr. Cristina Müller, Prof. Dr. Roger Schibli und Dr. Dario Veghini from PSI. Following that, a roundtable discussion with the three speakers as well as with Prof. Dr. Bernd Wollscheid and Prof. Dr. François Curtin (PHRT Medical Director) led to an engaged discussion between the speakers and the audience. This was followed by a relaxing dinner at Restaurant Rampe in Baden where the participants could continue networking.

On the second day, the participants were invited in the morning for a guided tour through the laboratories of the Center for Radiopharmaceutical Science (CRS) followed by a lunch at Restaurant Oase of PSI. In the afternoon the larger research facilities were visited such as the synchrotron or the Swiss Light Source SLS.

The event was a success and contributed to showing the valuable efforts made by many young researchers in the field of personalized medicine and to reinforce the community of researchers which could be built over the years by PHRT and its partners.

Picture of Marina Pierer
Marina Pierer

Communications Specialist