Recent studies indicate that the spatially-resolved gene expression profiles in cancer tissue hold the potential to predict response to treatment and patient survival. Access to a cohort of 126 malignant melanoma patients from the multi-institutional Swiss Tumor Profiler Study allows us to perform our analysis cost-effectively. The cohort provides matched digital pathology, immunohistochemistry, bulk- and single-cell RNA-seq datasets, complete clinical outcome data to develop novel spatially resolved transcriptomics methods using only the image data as an input.
Targeted treatment of cancer patients via molecular stratification is obtained by sequencing tumor DNA. Still, it has been challenging to translate into clinical practice due to the high sequencing costs. Here, we will aim to develop novel morpho-molecular stratification methods collaborating with the TransPORTEC consortium using inexpensive,
clinically established pathology images as an input. The PORTEC trials represent the world’s most extensive collection of molecularly classified EC samples with complete outcome information and digital images.